Kickass melody
This is just a kick ass melody and rythm. This is the best use of piano i have ever heard :D
Kickass melody
This is just a kick ass melody and rythm. This is the best use of piano i have ever heard :D
Deferent melody
It got a deferent melody and i like that. The piano is the best part of the song!
it only got 9/10 because i think it need more deepness like a background bass or something like that. But other than that it's a very nice track!
Seriously, no melody
Seriously i don't catch the melody in this song. It just sounds like you randomly beating on some drums?
Thats what i usualy do is bang randomly on the drums, But i didint take that much offence
Good work
i love the original Kane And Lynch melody, and it sounds good with this KICK! But i dont know why it dos'nt say me anythin???
Nice beat!
This is NICE!!! But if you train in a bit more advanced beats, I know you would rock really much
I love this song its my favorite song here on newgrounds, really cool. It owns, but hey check out my Tomb Raider Remix, its not as good as yours but i wanna hear what you think about it, and feel free to vote and comment, you are wlcome to vote 10 or 0 and you can write whatever you want, i just wanna hear what you mean about it..... Please i would be glad if you voted :D :D :D
Holy Sh*t
This is great, and it sounds like it was copyrighted or someth'n, if you write a contract im pretty sure you could get some cool cash for this :D
(Sorry for my bad English)
Age 31, Male
Joined on 1/28/08